Friday, March 27, 2009

Best Laid Plans of Mice & Men

Departure day has come and gone thanks to Mt. Redoubt. I really don't mind very much. I will enjoy a couple more weeks with my family. This time of year they don't enjoy me as much as I enjoy them. Fishermen, in the spring, tend to get cranky, antsy, fidgety, forgetfull, distracted, ... well you get the idea.

It snowed two and a half feet in Kodiak a couple of days ago, so I'm in no hurry to fight the lingering winter weather either. Some real old timers said they hadn't seen this much snow, this late in the year, since the 1950's. Yuk! Deep snow and un insulated Xtra Tuffs aren't the best combo for keeping your feet warm and dry. And I don't really like being cold and wet. Bet you didn't expect that from a fisherman did you?

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