Sunday, March 2, 2014

Time flies, whether you're having fun or not.

Hard to believe it's been almost a year since I last posted to the site.  I have no excuse other than I've been busy.  I had both of my children with me this year for the whole salmon season and it worked out great for everyone.  The only downer was, they had to leave early to start school on time.  I did have one issue.   One night we were running for the anchorage and I was able to see a boat's running lights from about 3 miles away, but I couldn't see the boat on the Radar.  Everything wears out after awhile so, after the season, I started shopping for a new radar. A new radar was almost $6,000, but for a few more dollars I could get a black box radar and an integrated and wireless nav system. Way cool!  Then the bridge watch went out and the new nav system didn't like either one of my two GPSs.  Go figure.  Any way, I got most of the upgrades done before I winterized and went home. I had to have the "hardware" removed from my spine in October and supervise the overhaul of six nets.  That's my excuse and I'm sticking to it.

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