Saturday, December 20, 2008

Wild caught seafood is the real deal, no additives

I recently read about the farmed salmon growers applying for an "organic" rating. I was dismissive and amused since the salmon farmers have a history of using some pretty obnoxious chemicals and additives in their process. That initial thought could be a bit naive. It appears that if you lobby the politicos, miracles might happen. The official US government story line goes like this; The salmon farmers feed only natural products to their fish so they can control exactly what the fish are fed from the time they are hatched to the time they are butchered. That will qualify for the governments definition of what organic means. I wonder how our government can just ignore all the antibiotics, artificial coloring, anabolic steroids, Slice, and last but not least, Malachite Green which are or have been used in the salmon farming process. I'm sorry, but I don't see anything organic at all about these additives.

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