Monday, December 15, 2008

The Fish Blog

Wow...we have finally done it. Folks have been saying we should be blogging so here it is. I, the fishwife, shall begin the blog. Long, long ago...okay really about 18 years ago... Davey was set up on a blind date with the older sister of a friend...and well I guess it stuck...leading me into the life of a fish wife. Davey here has been fishing since the ripe age of 14...I think. Let's just say it's been at around 40 years give or take. Our boat F/V Alchemist is a 49 ft.
Delta seiner. Dave fishes in Kodiak for Salmon and Cod and tenders salmon in Bristol Bay. In recent years we have ventured into the wild world of retail to sell some of our own fish under the "Get Wild" trademark.

Our hope is that this blog gives everyone a peek into the life of a career fisherman. Please bring on the questions.

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