Sunday, January 9, 2011

40 Days and Counting

In all the years I've spent in Alaska I have never driven the Al-Can Highway.  This year it's time for a change.  No getting on an airplane in Bellingham and getting off in Anchorage.  No driving a boat up the "Inside Passage", although, it's a beautiful trip (except for the Gulf of Alaska part).  I'm going to drive a car all the way from Bellingham Washington to Homer Alaska, take pictures, meet people, then take the ferry to Kodiak.  Should be a fun experience.  The only uncertain part, at this time, is where am I going to spend the nights?  Camping out for the duration of the trip doesn't appeal to me.  Especially since I'm starting out the last week of February.  A little research on hotels and cafes should come in handy. LOL, I'm too old to sleep on the ground any more.  It's just not as soft as it used to be. More later.

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