Saturday, November 26, 2011

Take the weather and shove it.

Dismal weather so far this spring.  It has been one storm after another and spring actually feels like a very distant prospect.  I got the skiff picked off, sent out to the storage yard, and picked up the jigging equipment.  It only took me about 5 or 6 hours to mount everything and wire it up.  Next is a trip to Fish and Game to register for the Kodiak area misc fin-fish jig fishery.  Each district in Alaska has it's own specific area which it controls and manages.  The permit card is "statewide", but you are only allowed to register and fish in one district.  It's called "super exclusive area registration".  Well, I'm setup and all I need to do is get groceries, bait and ice.  No more excuses, it's time to go out.  Weather permitting , of course.

To kill a Codfish or not to kill a Codfish?

The boat survived the winter without incident.  Everything started right up and ran fine.  I have to make a decision about jigging this year.  I'm only 8 months out from back fusion and while I feel pretty good, I'm not sure the back is ready.  I have plenty of boat work to keep me busy, but catching fish is what I do and I don't think the season is going to last much longer.  The seine skiff is still sitting on the back deck, so that's my first job.  Getting it lifted off and sent out to the yard.

Thursday, November 24, 2011

I got locked out!

Technology is a wonderful thing (I think) I did something and haven't' been able to get into my site since June.  Anyway, I'm in now and I'll update historically,starting in June if I can remember everything.